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B. Delfin

Simbang Gabi 12/14/2019

Updated: Dec 18, 2023

Rev. Joseph Robillard, pastor of St. Justin Martyr's Church, Anaheim, CA and the youths assisting him for the Mass

Offering of flowers at the start of the mass !

Part of the FFRGOC group who attended Simbang Gabi at 6:00 pm 12/14/2019

Falling in line with "gusto" for food and drinks compliments of FFRGOC!

Very willing, happy and smiling, and courteous servers of food to the group!

What is Simbang Gabi ?

"Simbang Gabi" is a Tagalog word in the Philippines which means literally Evening Mass.

Following the Philippine culture and traditions, Filipino Americans bring the taste of home with the Simbang Gabi which is a series of nine masses usually at dawn in the Philippines but more at night here in USA considering the working force of the group. It begins on December 16 and ends up on December 24 usually at midnight mass but some parishes have deviated from midnight to earlier hour like Holy Spirit Church.

Having these masses also serve as the preparation for the coming of Christmas , the birth of Jesus for this predominantly Catholic country, the Philippines and followed by Filipinos residing abroad wherever they can like USA and of course some countries do not permit this type of gatherings.

Historically speaking, Simbang Gabi originated from the early days of 333 years Spanish rule over the Philippines and was introduced by Fray Miguel Lopez de Legaspi who celebrated the first Christmas in 1565. It was known then as "Misa de Gallo" or Mass of the Rooster. Why? Because masses were said at the crack of dawn when the roosters are heard at this hour.

Fast forward, roosters still crow at the crack of dawn if you happen to be close to where they live or hang out and wake you up and no need for alarm clock.

The main reason why masses are held at the crack of dawn is to give ample time to farmers to attend masses early before doing their farm work under the hot sun in this tropical country. The farmers are not tired and exhausted attending to the masses to pray and still be devout Catholics. This practice continued on irrelevant on whether they live in the cities or small towns in the Philippines. This custom was not changed either by Spain and other Latin American colonies at that time and they respected the Philippine tradition.

How do we celebrate Simbang Gabi ?

Before the celebration begins, there are a lot of preparations to be made by FFRGOC members and officers. Committee has been formed ahead of time with volunteers specifying their roles and responsibilities. It is run like a well oiled machine in the corporate world and of course, giving credits to volunteer leaders and members of FFRGOC.

Food preparation is identified whether ordered or prepared by members who volunteered and deliveries are arranged to the location of the event. Traditional dessert common too in the home country, the Philippines, are bibingka, puto or rice cakes, puto bongbong and varieties of suman. Pancit, rice, pandesal, arroz caldo and other American food like green salads and others are sprinkled too on the serving tables together with Filipino food. Food includes rice, pancit, adobo, or other Filipino cuisine with Spanish or Asian twists of cooking or typical American food. And rest assured, there is enough food for everyone including the people who attended Simbang Gabi mass who are not members.

Decorations of the church is also considered using parol or lantern, which is colorful and lighted and star shaped. The lantern symbolized the Star of Bethlehem pointing to Jesus in the manger where he was born and the star was used by the shepherds to see Jesus and the Three Kings who offered gifts to Jesus. The complete nativity scene or Belen is always present in the churches in preparation for the coming of Jesus.

FFRGOC members and officers complete the occasion by being all dressed up using their Filipino attires to really feel the symbolism of Simbang Gabi that got started in the Philippines. Readings and petitions for the celebration of the mass were assigned to different members/officers of FFRGOC before even the start of the mass.

A procession going to the altar with members/officers offering flowers starts the celebration of the Simbang Gabi mass followed by the priest and the youths assisting him. Our FFRGOC choir starts singing on cue, songs that are either Tagalog or English songs and perfectly in harmony with the celebration of the mass. They sing during the mass and communion and after the blessing of the priest once the mass is ended. You have to be there to witness and feel and enjoy by being part of the celebration.

FFRGOC President invites all attendees to partake on the meal in another hall for dining and singing and dancing purposes. Everyone is encouraged to partake and have a good time after a fulfilling mass celebration. All the talents come out from the group whether it is singing or dancing and everyone goes home happy with the sharing.

FFRGOC or the host parish Filipino ministry funds the cost incurred of the Simbang Gabi and from donations from member and officers and their friends and families of which FFRGOC is grateful.

Come and join us and be a part of our Philippine culture and traditions without flying to the islands. Donate to our Seminarian Scholarship Fund Program if you can but not obliged so more priests can serve the world.

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