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B. Delfin

Rosary Rally 2022

Updated: Jun 21

Every year, FFRGOC honors the Blessed Virgin Mary by having a rosary rally to evangelize and educate everyone and emphasize the praying of the rosary. This event was held at Santiago de Compostela Catholic Church last October 22, 2022.

Online and print social media were made available and program for the event was printed. Planning and execution came to fruition successfully led by President Helen Alonso with her Board of Directors including Past President and Advisory Council Debbie Gonzales who all were actively involved and were guided by our Spiritual Director Father Caboboy.

Some of the People present during the Rosary Rally and FFRGOC is very pleased that we had 626 attendees and that's a record.

FFRGOC Event Program was very well done that spelled out all the details as to what to expect during the day so everyone can actively participate.

The highlight of the event is the living rosary and each decade of the rosary were preassigned to members/officers of areas/chapters. The following video, courtesy of Mimi Fule, personal friend of our President Helen Alonso also captured the beautiful moments of the rosary rally.

I am sure you will agree that these videos were beautifully done although I had issues downloading the facebook videos plus the videos I took.

As a courtesy and using honor system please close the facebook account and go back to the article.

What better way to show how the Rosary Rally unfolded which are shown below to see and be part virtually for those people unable to come and for those people who came to remember and treasure the moments.

The day was also forecasted to rain but did not rain till after the event. Some of us believed that the Blessed Virgin intervened and made it possible through our prayers.

Photo was captured by Wally Claudio, FFRGOC Director of Charity

All guests go through the registration with FFRGOC Board of Directors - Amie Ursabia, Rica Werner, South Area 2 Secretary Beth Ynson and Southwest Area 1 Chairperson Ruby Morallos with other volunteers which we are grateful, to have their meal tickets that were color coded as part of efficient planning and to follow COVID19 guidelines.

Another table for the registration with volunteers and FFRGOC Board of Directors Chat Agbayani, Sol Sollorano, Mary Ann Puzon and Loraine Betts.

Knights of Columbus were getting ready for the procession and the church and FFRGOC is grateful for their assistance on our events.

The fully decorated with fresh flowers carosa with the Blessed Virgin Mary started the Procession aided by husbands of the Board of Directors...Dean Miyata, Joey Mercado and Rene Sollorano

The Procession as guided by Walter Bayubay, FFRGOC Director of Religious Enrichment and Fely Claudio, First VP

FFRGOC Board of Directors who actively participated praying the rosary - B. Delfin, F. Claudio, B. Mercado, H. Alonso, C. Biglang Awa, N. Miyata, W. Claudio and W. Bayubay before the start of the prayer. The rest of the Board of Directors actively participated in other areas.

Part of the Procession when the beads will be placed in a circle and each chapter/area representative will be next to the beads of the decades of the rosary and placing the carosa with the Blessed Virgin Mary in the middle of the circle.

Attendees praying the rosary with FFRGOC Past President Lino Aldana

More attendees praying the rosary with FFRGOC Spiritual Director Father Caboboy

More attendees praying one of the decades of the Holy Rosary

The choir singing during the procession

After praying the rosary, the Holy mass was celebrated and the picture above shows the entrance of the priests and deacons after the attendees went into the church.

Beautiful children who did the Flower Offering before the Holy Mass started

FFRGOC Board of Directors L. Betts and B. Delfin accepting flowers for the Blessed Virgin Mary

The Blessed Virgin Mary after the offering of the flowers

Most Rev. Bishop Kevin W. Vann, the celebrant with his co-celebrants of the Holy Mass

Participants of the Holy Mass with FFRGOC Director of Youth, Lorraine Betts and Spiritual Director Father Caboboy and on the background were the members of FFRGOC Choir getting ready

Regardless of health challenges, Joe Arevalo, past president of FFRGOC supports and attends our events as much as he can and above picture showed him with Rene Sollorano.

Attendees praying inside the church

Another video by Mimi Fule during the Holy mass that captured our FFRGOC choir singing beautifully the different songs.

Reminder: Please close the facebook account after watching the video as a courtesy and using honor system to respect the owner and return to the article.

Attendees actively singing with choir during the mass

The next video is one of my favorite song, Glory Be to God sang by FFRGOC choir and was so pleased that even my guest who is a Christian , Peggy Huang, current Los Angeles Deputy General was actively singing. Peggy supported us in our souvenir program and the first time she got exposed to this Catholic cultural activity of Filipino Americans in the USA.

Reminder: Please close the facebook account after watching the video as a courtesy and using honor system to respect the owner and return to the article.

FFRGOC President Helen Alonso acknowledged everyone for the hard work and participation in the event and invited them for lunch.

The Bishop of the Diocese of Orange, Most Rev. Bishop Kevin Vann with the Pastor of Santiago de Compostela Church, Rev. Thomas Nuval and another priest exiting the church after the Holy Mass

Lunches were served to all attendees in two areas per the color coded tickets as efficiently planned by Mary Ann Puzon, Director of Social Services and her team.

Mimi Fule with friends enjoying lunch.

With Lynn Maglalang, previous FFRGOC Board of Director who worked also so hard to have a successful event and other FFRGOC members and Peggy Huang, LA Deputy District Attorney, my guest

The choir who sang for us during the procession and enjoying their lunches.

FFRGOC President Helen Alonso with me and my guest, Peggy Huang, Los Angeles Deputy General and another FFRGOC officer

Sample pictures below were taken to remember our special event and also showed people who worked hard behind the scene during the event and also showcase our motto where the " family that prays together stays together."

The family all dressed up in barongs and so beautiful.

Necy Arabaca, one of FFRGOC Board of Directors, who always work behind the scene.

Father Caboboy was happy to see and talk to past FFRGOC President Mel Gallardo and his wife, current FFRGOC President Helen Alonso and FFRGOC past director, Irene Alzate.

One of the Asset of FFRGOC is the Choir who supports and sings for us on our events under the able leadership of Larry Orque, Jr. the Music Director and Glenn Puzon, FFRGOC Board of Director Second VP and President of the Choir.

With Larry Orque, Jr as the Musical Director

Love this picture of the Bayubay family with FFRGOC Director of Religious Enrichment, Walter Bayubay with his wife and mother - another family.

One of the team who works hard for this event, FFRGOC Helen Alonso, Walter Bayubay, Fely Claudio and Wally Claudio

Goodbye picture for the day with most of the FFRGOC Board of Directors - Helen Alonso, Mary Ann Puzon, Benita Delfin, Boots Mercado, Sol Sollorano, Cora Biglang Awa, Glenn Puzon, Walter Bayubay, Wally Claudio, Amie Ursubia, and past director, Irene Alzate, Lynn Maglalang and happy to see Gigi Gallardo who helped me initially setting up the website. Also my guest, LA Deputy General Peggy Huang enjoyed the event and became FFRGOC by exposure. Also other FFRGOC members who helped us made the event a success were in the picture.

I want to acknowledge the contribution of pictures and videos I used in this event which are Mimi Fule through Helen Alonso, Jonathan Alonso, Wally Claudio and some of them were taken by me.

FFRGOC is also grateful to all contributors and supporters of our events and to FFRGOC Special Projects Marlon Agabayani and husband and wife team of Eli and Evelyn Ruiz, Seminarian Director and Chapter Director.

FFRGOC is making a dent in exposing our values, customs and traditions and get respect from other cultures and one article in our website has audiences around the world. We. as members and officers promote also our faith to Jesus through Mary.

In addition we have now Miss Universe 2022, R'bonney Gabriel who is a combination of beauty and brains.

I hope you enjoyed reading this blog and please share with your friends our website so everyone will know what FFRGOC does for the community plus helping local charities and educating the seminarians, the future priests.

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