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B. Delfin

Memorial Mass, June 12, 2021

Updated: Mar 28, 2022

FFRGOC, our organization, is very much in tune and sensitive to the needs of the community especially during this time of COVID19 pandemic. Remembering the members and families/friends of FFRGOC members who died from January, 2020 to May, 2021 due to COVID 19 and regular illnesses, shows we, the living, truly care and honor our loved ones and hopefully our future generation will do the same.

Through the leadership of FFRGOC President Debbie Gonzales and its Board of Directors, and inspired by our Spiritual Director, Rev. Father Juan Caboboy, a decision was made to have a Memorial Mass which was held last June 12, 2021 at Holy Family Catholic Church, Seal Beach Ca where Rev. Father Juan Caboboy is the Pastor .

The faithful were getting ready for the services at Holy Family Catholic Church, Seal Beach, Ca .

Picture is courtesy of Larry Orque, Jr. B.M. FFRGOC Choir Keyboard/Soloist.

Event started with the registration for all those people who sent RSVP. A pamphlet for the rosary and mass prayers and songs and a list of the loved ones who died by chapters/areas were distributed. A decorated votive candle was handed out also to everyone who attended.

Pamphlet of prayers and songs

Everyone went inside the church to start the rosary at 10 am. List of Participants of Eucharistic Celebration and the Committee who worked really hard to have this event successful with our celebrant, Father Juan Caboboy for the Memorial Mass is shown below.

The altar was beautifully decorated with tropical plants in group of threes, one of the rules of decorating in the area of design and architecture. Person decorating the Holy Family Church knows design as I have learned and practiced as an interior designer.

List of loved ones were displayed on picture frames and votive candles and gifts to families of the those who lost their loved ones were in front of the altar. These items were crafted and designed with taste by Mary Ann Puzon, FFRGOC Director of Social Activities.

The Altar

The prayer of the rosary was started by Wally Claudio, Director of Religious Activities and Fely Claudio, First Vice President Internal Affairs with the recitation of the Apostles Creed and Our Father followed by three Hail Mary's, Glory Be and Oh My Jesus by Glenn Puzon, Director of Charities.

Then the recitation of each glorious mysteries were led by the participants of the Eucharistic celebration.

The faithful praying the rosary

Recitation of the 4th Glorious Mystery led by Mary Ann Puzon.

Additional participants praying the rosary

Lorraine Betts, FFRGOC Public Relations Officer led the 3rd Mystery

Ely Gonzales, the man behind and support our

President, led the 2nd Mystery

Above pictures are courtesy of Wally Claudio

Litany of Faithful Departed was led by husband/wife team - Wally Claudio, Director of Religious Activities and Fely Claudio, First Vice President, Internal Affairs.

Picture is courtesy of Wally Claudio

At the end of praying the Holy Rosary, a powerful presentation was viewed by everyone present. On behalf of FFRGOC, thank you Mary Ann Puzon, Director of Social Activities for doing a fantastic job collating, designing and accumulating the pictures and listing the loved ones of FFRGOC members. I was delighted to see also a lot of Filipino Ministry Members of Holy Spirit Church, Fountain Valley, CA attended - Cora Cuevas, Allen Williamson, Rica Werner, Emilie Tan, Red Udell and Julie Ancheta who are also active in FFRGOC events . I am sure there are a lot of other ministries from other churches that participated as well and FFRGOC, through our President, thank you for your presence.

Here is the power point presentation. We, FFRGOC members and officers will continue to pray that they may rest in peace in heaven.

Please make sure to open the link with Microsoft Power Point to view the presentation.

After the Power Point presentation, the Holy Mass started.

Entrance of the Mass Celebrant - Father Juan Caboboy with his assistants

FFRGOC Choir Cantor Pilar Agravante together with the Choir started singing the entrance song.

FFRGOC is very proud to have such dedicated choir who makes time if needed even with a short time notice and and bringing the best Christian music to all.

This picture is our FFRGOC choir with our Spiritual Advisor, Rev. Father Juan Caboboy and our FFRGOC President, Debbie Gonzales.

Larry Orque, Jr. B.M is the Keyboard/Soloist and the President of the FFRGOC Choir is Glenn Puzon, FFRGOC Director of Charities.

So impressed when the beautiful voice of FFRGOC cantor, Pilar Agravante accompanied by FFRGOC choir put everyone in the right mood for the occasion and filled the air requesting Our Lord to have mercy with this song I captured below.

"Lord Have Mercy"

This was followed by the solemn First Reading by Fely Claudio, FFRGOC First Vice President - Internal Affairs as shown below.

Fely Claudio, First Vice President, Internal Affairs read the Liturgy of the Word.

What could be also more delightful than hearing our FFRGOC Choir sings "The Lord is Kind and Merciful" after the First Reading. The song is so apt to the theme of our Memorial Mass for our loved ones.

" The Lord is Kind and Merciful"

After the Liturgy of the Word, was the Gospel Reading by the celebrant, Father Juan Caboboy.

Father Caboboy reading the Gospel.

His homily was so meaningful to me and everyone who learned the feast days of the twin hearts - June 12 for the Immaculate Heart of Mary and June 11 for the Sacred Heart of Jesus. He shared a picture shown below that was a gift to him from a parishioner that he always keep near his bed to pray. I couldn't help but take a picture of it to share plus the faith with all of you.

Father Caboboy also emphasized that Mary is the Mother of the Redeemer and also our mother as the Mother of the Redeemed. That is an awesome analogy! What strikes me too is that what he said that all our loved ones who died before us will welcome us in heaven when we die. We therefore have already allies in heaven !

The Twin Hearts Picture - Immaculate Heart of Mary and Sacred Heart of Jesus

After the Homily comes out the general intercessions read by Nancy Javier, FFRGOC South Area 1 member.

Nancy Javier, FFRGOC South Area 1 member, reading the petitions.

The Liturgy of the Eucharist followed with the preparation of the gifts.

Father Caboboy praying and preparing for the gifts

FFRGOC has a singing priest, no other than our Spiritual Advisor, Rev. Father Caboboy!

First time I heard him sing and he sang well the Eucharistic prayer prelude to Holy, Holy.

"Eucharistic Prayer"

Our FFRGOC choir did not disappoint us by leading the song "Ama Namin" or Our Father prayer below.

Beautiful song "Ama Namin"

Communion of the faithful followed as shown on the picture below.

Announcement and appreciation was made by our FFRGOC President, Debbie Gonzales.

  • She expressed FFRGOC's appreciation to all the attendees and the FFRGOC Committee who worked real hard to meet the deadline of June 12.

  • She also announced that this Memorial Mass is also meant to celebrate the Philippine Independence Day and to prove it we had a big cake that displayed the Philippine Flag.

  • She also mentioned to save the dates for our Rosary Rally and for our Simbang Gabi for 2021.

Let's not forget, a boxed lunch from Pollo Loco complete with churros and lots of salsa was ready for every attendees to have including water and pieces of two types of cakes. FFRGOC donated these boxed lunches.

President Debbie making the announcements.

Happy Independence Day from FFRGOC and FFRGOC future events for 2021

Philippine Independence Day Huuuuge Cake

After the mass Father Caboboy blessed the votive candles and frames with the list of the loved ones with holy water.

FYI, FFRGOC gave out decorated 138 votive candles to attendees and decorated 160 candles for deceased loved ones and were wrapped, bagged and given to the different areas for proper distribution. Additional 30 decorated candles were on top of the table together with the frames as shown below. Gift bags for families of the love ones were also given away per Mary Ann Puzon, Director of Social Services who single handedly did all the work with love offering her efforts to Jesus through Mary.

Decorated frames that showed the list of the loved ones and 30 decorated votive candles

Gift bags for families who lost their loved ones from January 2020 to May 2021

Everyone went home happy that we prayed for their loved ones . Some of us had to stay for a Board meeting to discuss the upcoming Rosary Rally 2021 since most of the Board of Directors and Chapter Directors were all present and Father Caboboy was kind enough to allow us to use one of the rooms.

May God bless us all and stay safe and healthy always.

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