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B. Delfin

Induction of FFRGOC Board of Officers/Directors 2024 - 2025

Updated: Jun 21

This event was a special event to honor and induct the people who will serve the FFRGOC organization for all the Board Officers and Directors and Area Chairpersons and Officers from the different geographical locations in Orange County.

Sad to say, I missed this special event for personal reasons but got very good feedback especially from Mary An Puzon, the First VP of FFRGOC. The event was very well attended .

As most of our events, the induction was started off with the Holy Mass celebrated by our Spiritual Director, Father Juan Caboboy. Our Director of Religious Enrichment, Evelyn Ruiz planned and executed the event well with the participants doing a good job.

The Holy Mass was solemn which goes well with seriousness of the job and responsibilities and the commitments of the officers/directors that were inducted.

After the Holy Mass, the induction of officers/directors by Father Juan Caboboy followed as shown on the picture below:

After the induction, Father Juan Caboboy blessed the food that were shared to all FFRGOC members/officers/directors and their families and friends who witnessed this very important occasion as shown below:

Father Juan blessing the food and everyone

Through the main efforts of our VP, Mary Ann Puzon and Chat Agbayani and other board members, they hired the right caterer Tapsi House Kitchen from Lake Elsinore to honor the servant leaders of FFRGOC who will serve the community for a whole year.

This caterer is different from our other events because most of the legwork and tiring work by our volunteers were done by them setting up tables including flowers, utensils and food displayed so nicely like a buffet table in prestigious hotels but on a smaller scale. And our members, officers and directors who normally volunteer to do it yourself (DIY) jobs were freed up so they can attend the mass and enjoy themselves and not worrying about also clean ups. And yes, everyone is impressed and enjoyed the food and the caterer's food presentation.

As Mary Ann, eloquently put it, FFRGOC gave importance, dignity and honor to people and their friends and families, who will serve us and the community for the whole year. And I agree 100 per cent besides food is not only based on the taste or how delicious it is but how it is presented and makes the food inviting and appetizing especially if you have travelled and seen impressive food presentations.

So here goes the pictures that say more than talking about it.

Love the backdrop


Rice and Entrees

FFRGOC beautiful volunteers ready to serve everyone

Now ready to serve

Attendees took their individual portions

Our FFRGOC Advisor Debbie and husband Ely who had been so supportive all these years

Our young attendee with family member

Everyone, the members/officers/directors and their families and friends became closer to be one happy FFRGOC family and happy to be part of the occasion per their feedback to Mary Ann and Chat who went to every table.

So now for serious picture taking of the Board and the Choir as shown below:

Our Choir who is making headlines on other events that are not FFRGOC events

Meet our new FFRGOC Board Officers and Directors graced by our Lady President Helen Alonso in her beautiful lavender terno ( Father Juan as shown in above other pictures and Benita were not present on this picture)

Thanks to our President who wanted me to include myself, Benita, as the new Asst. Secretary and Web Administrator of FFRGOC who could not be present

Congratulations to all the FFRGOC Board Officers/Chapter Directors and Area Chairpersons and Area Officers with our Spiritual Director guiding us always.

Special message of one of our Board of Directors that resonates to our commitment to be part of FFRGOC Board. Quoting Wally Claudio, our Charity Director:

"Answering the call and serving as Charity Director of FFRGOC on a second term, reminds me of this phrase , "Here I am Lord , I come to do your will". What an honor to have the opportunity to participate in fulfilling the mission of FFRGOC, to honor God through community, rosary prayer, fellowship and discipleship. It is true , when we surrender and trust in God , He provides us wisdom, guidance and direction to the path we need to take in our lives as His Hands and Feet in this world. God also surrounds us with wonderful people who inspire and support us in friendship in a big way, all of these deeply enriches my faith journey."

That is heavy and to the point so let us all have a good start !

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