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History of FFRGOC

More on the history of FFRGOC


Federation of Filipino Rosary Group - Los Angeles was in existence for 13 years. A small group of Rosary devotees from Orange County became Area member of this organization in 1983 and grew to be a Chapter and had 10 Areas underneath the Chapter in 1989 following the guidelines of FFRG-Los Angeles with Irma De Guzman as the first Chapter Director. These devotees started promoting the block rosary movement around Orange County  wherein members  transferred the Blessed Virgin Mary Statue to the family member's home to pray the rosary together.  Patrick Peyton commonly called the "Rosary Priest" coined the phrase "the family that prays together stays together" and "a world at prayer is a world at peace".  He also staged massive Rosary rallies and our organization has yearly Rosary Rallies as well. Orange County Chapter hosted the 19th Rosary Rally of FFRG-LA at St. Pius V Church in Buena Park with Jorge Fuentes as the first Rosary Rally Chairperson in 1989. 


During 1991-1993,  9 more areas were formed. Decision was made by the group to spin off from FFRG-Los Angeles with Irene Alzate as the second Chapter Director. Father Juan Caboboy became the spiritual director last December 16, 1992. Art Diaz prepared the incorporation papers and filed the incorporation documents with the California State Department.  Federation of Filipino Rosary Group, Orange County, Inc. was incorporated under IRS 501c as a non-profit organization last April 13, 1993. 




FFRGOC has evolved in its mission and goals through the years and became a cohesive group that not only prays the rosary but also promotes and celebrates the Philippine culture and traditions . A choir, FFRGOC Holy Rosary Philippine Chamber Chorale, was also formed from the different talents in music from our group and now supports our events.  Our youth, who are mostly born in America, was also immersed to the Philippine culture and traditions in conjunction with practicing and promoting our faith to Jesus through Mary. Programs and events tailored more for the youth is in progress and it is our hope that our youth improves and evolves for our future generation based on the solid foundation we have started. 


Our focus


As a non-profit organization, our main focus is to raise funds for seminarians through our Seminarian Scholarship  Program to become priests to serve the people around the globe.  We also help the needy from children to adults who face many struggles in their lives from food to being homeless through Mary's Kitchen plus children without parents or born with defects through Orangewood Home for Children and funded by our fund raising events like Pista sa Nayon and direct donations from our donors. 


Our Board of Directors


Our President and Chairman of the Board, Debbie Gonzales and all Board of Directors have made the commitment to serve the members and everyone interested to join the organization.  In leading the organization based on a formal organizational structure, their talents come from different backgrounds as professionals and the past Board of Directors have also contributed immensely to the success and growth after 26 years since incorporation. 


Our Organizational Structure


Members from different Catholic parishes within the Diocese of Orange form an area and a chairperson lead the officers elected in a particular area.  The areas that are usually grouped together by geographical location will be a chapter and the Chapter director leads the different area chairpersons.  Chapter directors become part of the Board of Directors who lead and govern the organization.  Through fund raising events and donations from corporations or individuals the Seminarian Program and local charity programs are funded.  At the date of incorporation in 1993, there were 19 Rosary Areas and in 1995 grew to 26 Rosary Areas but decreased to 25 Rosary Areas in 1997. In 2011, there were 27 Rosary Areas with 6 Chapters. Now in 2019, we have 6 Chapters and 29 Areas. Please refer to our Organizational Chart in another caption.


Our Future


We plan to increase our support to our Seminarian Scholarship Program by having more exposure to the community and get potential donors through better marketing and promotional programs through our website which we continuously develop and using different platforms of social media like Facebook, Instagram, Tweeter as time permits.  The  propagation of our faith to Jesus through Mary will also be improved by having more active members from several churches and diocese the members belong.  Getting our  youth more involved is also in our mind by having programs tailored specifically  for them so they can be attracted to our organization. This next generation will continue our legacy and adapt to the new times including use of better technology. 


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